Registering to Be a Vendor


The Artist Account Information process is very easy.  We have supportive instructions and examples of each requested item for your convenience.  Our staff is here to support you with any questions or concerns you may have. Please contact us through email or phone.

Email:  dfeartists@gmail

Phone:  918-312-7264

register now

The first step is to send the following items


Non-Jewelry & Apparel Artists

1. Professional Self Photo

2. Artist’s body of work statement

3. Artist’s Bio, C.V. & or your Resume

4. Professional images of each piece that is ready to ship/ lead times, name of piece, dimension, brief description of medium, Item Number, Minimums, Wholesale price & Suggested Retail Price

5. Select an image(s) from your body of work that can be marketed, printed & sold on T-shirts, canisters, magnets, phone cases, post cards, totes, cards & etc.

Jewelry & Apparel Artists

1. Professional Self Photo

2. Artist’s body of work statement

3. Artist’s Bio, C.V. & or your Resume

4. Professional images of each piece, name of piece, item number & brief description of medium, Minimums, Wholesale Price & Suggested Retail Price

5. Indicate firm lead times

6. Product line must have low $10-$50, Medium $50-$100 & High $110-up price point range


The Second Step is evaluating the application

  1. Once we have received the application and requested items you will be notified with in 1-2 weeks with the results.
  2. Dragonfly Enterprise LLC will discuss revisions or an alternative body of work  in order to fit your work into Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC customer base.

The Third Step is acceptance notification 

1. Your desire to be a part of Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC

2. Discussion about $25 monthly Fee, 10% Commission on any sale, what to include in the price of your product, branding material, packaging materials, & the logistics of the sale.

3. Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC will email you a contract to be filled out & returned by email.

4. Once we receive you contract with in 1—2 days we will post your body of work  to our website, digitally market your work and solicit your work to our partner boutiques in the U.S.

1. We connect you to a broader audience on our website, digital marketing and a wide range of high-end boutiques and their clients in the U.S.

2.We promote artists through face-to-face sales, our website, digital marketing, emails, blog postings, Create & Learn videos, Monthly Featured Artist, and New Arrival Notices.  We are constantly looking for new ways to reach potential artists and customers.

3. Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC is dedicated to your success by bringing talented artists work to boutiques and customers searching for one-of-a-kind, original expressive pieces. 

4. We are passionately committed to the shopping experience and immediate response of any questions, suggestions or comments.

How does Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC promote my work or product?

  • We provide the artist a profile page that shows your photo, work’s statement, CV or Resume, achievements, awards and featured locations such as high-end boutiques and galleries.
  • We lists all artists A-Z on a  page that links to your profile, work or product, your name and all of your work or product is searchable within our site.
  • We will promote each artist’s in order to help them find a broader audience through digital marketing, introduction/ solicitation of your work or product to high-end boutiques/ galleries in the US.
  • Feature you at least once a year on our website and through email notifications on new arrivals, techniques or a request from the artist.
  • During the year we will contact you to add a story, develop a Create & Learn video and post on our blog.

Once I have been posted on Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC how often can I post new work?

  • Once you have filled out the Account Registration and it has been processed you can submit work or product at any time.  We will post the work or product with in 1-2 days of submission and notify you when the work or product is posted on the website.

Do you have any format or guidelines that would  help me write my own Artist’s Work Statement?

  • Yes .   The Artist’s Work Statement is typically written following these industry standards. 

There are 4 parts to an Artist’s Work Statement

  1. The Artist’s  Quote (written in first person – “I” or “me”)
  2. The Passionate Unveil (written in third person – “she, her he, him and they”)
  3. Technique (written in third person)
  4. Professional Development (written in third person)
  • Each section has a maximum of 1000 characters
  • The Artist’s Quote is a compelling statement written in the first person that expresses the heart and soul of your artistic view and how your work holds a place in the world. (EXAMPLE)
  • Let the passionate flow.  This is were you will emotionally connect with the customer by sharing who you are as an artist, why you chose this type of work or product , and what has yet to come.  This section is written in third person. (EXAMPLE)
  • Technique is were you bring attention to the materials you use and some of the techniques you enjoy working with in order to create your work or product. This section is written in third person. (EXAMPLE)
  • Professional Development is a section were you can really shine especially those of you that are self-taught!  Tell your story, “How you got to where your are today”. Directly underneath  your story your C.V. or Resume will be positioned as an active link for customer to view. (EXAMPLE)
  • C.V. or Resume should list any exhibitions, awards, juried shows, galleries and boutiques your work or product has been in.  If you are proud of something place it in one or both of these documents!  You can upload one or both, it’s your choice.  (EXAMPLE)
  • The Artist’s Quote is a compelling statement written in the first person that expresses the heart and soul of your artistic view and how your work holds a place in the world.


Michelle Katherine Portiss (Jewelry Art)

“My art work is parts of my heart and soul that expresses themselves through unpredictable moments in life.  I approach jewelry art with the hope that my work will bring pure joy and expressional freedom every time they are worn”. 

  • Let the  passionate flow is were you will emotionally connect with the customer by sharing who you are as an artist, why you chose this type of work or product , and what has yet to come.  This section is written in third person.



Michelle Katherine Portiss’s jewelry art is unpredictably plucky.  Her style is ever changing, holistic and invites exploration.  She combines opposites with a life posturing balance.  She invites the curious eye to see her jewelry as an intimate moment of expressional freedom and spontaneous direction.


  • Technique is were you bring attention to the materials you use and some of the techniques you enjoy working with in order to create your work or product. This section is written in third person. (EXAMPLE)


Michelle Portiss creates jewelry art that is adorned with semi-precious stones, fine metals, organic cords and a variety of clays.  Each piece is a one-of-a-kind that commands  the eye’s attention.  Portiss listens to each piece whisper direction, quality and existence.


  • Professional Development is a section were you can really shine especially those of you that are self-taught!  Tell your story, “How you got to where your are today”.  Listed below Professional Development will be your Bio, awards, C.V. and or your Resume will be positioned as an active link for customer to view.


Michelle Portiss grew up among clashing cultures.  Some of her most impactful memories were watching ceremonial reasoning for existence.  She attended several art colleges in the Midwest and finished her education in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Her studio is hidden in the country side surrounded by life that go on forever.

  • C.V. or Resume should list any exhibitions, awards, juried shows, galleries and boutiques that your work or product has been in.  If you are proud of something place it in one or both of these documents!  You can upload one or both, it’s your choice. 


Michelle Portiss CV

Michelle Portss Resume

Michelle Potiss Awards

Do I have control over my work or product that is on the website?

  • You have all the control in the world.  Once you have filled out the Artist Account Information and its processed you will be able to update your information, change your photo, add/delete work or product, change prices, upload Create & Learn videos and send us requests, questions, comments or suggestions.
  • Once you have made changes to your Account we will confirm the request.
  • We will then update your Account with in 1-2 days and once again you will receive a notice that we have posted your request so that you may confirm the posting.

Why should you choose Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC?

  • One main reason is that you are free to sell any of your work or product with anyone else.  We only ask that you use the same prices on your work or product that we have on our website.
  • We promote artists through face-to-face sales, our website, digital marketing, emails, blog postings, Create & Learn videos, Monthly Featured Artist, and New Arrival Notices.  We are constantly looking for new ways to reach potential artists and customers at high-end boutiques and galleries a crossed the U.S.

What information does Dragonfly Enterprise LLC need about the Artist’s work or product?

  • Name of Product
  • Photo
  • Dimensions
  • Description
  • Item Number
  • Minimums
  • Wholesale Price
  • Suggested Retail Price
  • Lead Times

What are the standards for the professional photograph of my work or product and profile photo?

  • White background
  • High quality JPG
  • sRGB Color not CMYK
  • Minimum of 72 DPI
  • Minimum 2400 pixels
  • Under 10 MB file size
  • Not interpolated or upsized

Is there a technician available to assist me with uploading my information, work or product, videos and blog posts?

  • Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC is available to assist with any questions you may have 9am-5pm Monday thru Friday by email dfeartists@gmail or phone 918 312 7264

After one of my pieces, product or work is sold from Dragonfly Enterprise ,LLC when do I get paid?

  • Once a pieces, product or work is sold by Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC you will receive payment 30 days after the ship date of the piece, product or work.

What is the percentage of the sale that Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC receives from each sale?

  • Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC receives 10% of all sales. 

What do I need to include in my work or product price?

  • The the cost of the piece, work or product
  • Your markup
  • Branding & Packing materials
  • Shipping materials and crating if necessary
  • Dragonfly Enterprise’s 10% commission

Do you have sales events on the Artist’s work?

  • All promotions and sales events are offered to the Artist as an option
  • At anytime the Artist may discount their work or product
  • If Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC  promote work or product through a show, event, sale, promotion, direct email marketing, website feature or catalog all sales prices on the Artist’s work or product are agreed upon by the Artist
  • Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC receives 10% of the sale price

What is the Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC policy for customer returns?

  • Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC honors customer returns for any reason (except with Custom or Special Orders) as long as customer initiates a return within 30 days after delivery.  The customer is refunded only 100% of their money and no refund on the shipping cost or sales tax. 
  • Artist agrees to accept all returns as authorized by Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC.


  • Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC will not require Artist to accept returns in the following circumstances:

1.  Artist’s work was damaged by customer or in transit

2.  Notification of return from customer is greater than 30 days after delivery

3. All Special orders/ Custom orders


  • Artist agrees to inspect returns promptly and upon the packages arrival document with photos and a written statement.
  • In the event that work is damaged by the customer or during the return process, the Artist will hold all shipping materials for inspection by the shipping carrier and will immediately notify Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC of damage.

What are the guidelines for Special Orders or Custom Orders?

  • Each order must be coordinated through Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC.  Typically Special Orders or Custom Orders fall under the same process as Ready to Ship.

If you have any other questions please contact us

by email dfeartists@gmail or phone 918 312 7264

The Artist Account Information process is very easy.  We have supportive instructions and  examples of each requested item for your convenience.  Our staff is here to support you with any questions or concerns you may have.  Please contact us through email or phone.

Email  dfeartists@gmail

Phone  918-312-7264

Create Artist's Account Now

We are excited about your interest in becoming a part of Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC.

Application Overview

In order to complete the application you will need the following:

  1. 4 or more pieces of work professionally photographed
  2. 1 Professionally taken Head Shot
  3. Description of each piece (name of piece, item #, description of  medium, dimensions, wholesale price, suggested retail price, & lead times)
  4. Your Artist’s Work Statement
  5. PayPal information for $25 monthly website fee & sales from your pieces.

Once you have submitted the Artist’s Account Information  you will receive an email from us confirming the submission with in 24 hours.  Within 1 week of the submission Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC will email you to schedule a phone call appointment to discuss your interest with us.


We will contact you by email  to set up an appointment to discuss your desire to be a part of Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC.


The Discussion topics

1.  Brief introductions & your contact information.

2. $25 monthly membership Fee and 10% Commission on all sale through Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC.

3.The price of your product, packing materials & the logistics of your sales.

3. The Artist contract & it’s function. 

4. Getting you up & running with in 1-3 weeks.

5. The return policy

6. Discussing revisions or an alternative body of work  to assist us sell your product through Dragonfly Enterprise, LLC.

Register Now